What is ESOS?
ESOS is the UK's response to Article 8 of the European Commission's Energy Efficiency Directive.
The aim is to cut carbon emissions by requiring large businesses to identify energy reduction measures and make energy savings. Thousands of UK organisations will be affected by the scheme.

Who need an ESOS Assessment?
All UK-based companies that employ over 250 people or have an annual turnover in excess of 50 million Euros, and overseas companies with a UK-registered establishment having more than 250 employees need to have an ESOS assessment carried out.
At NRG Assessments, we are fully accredited assessors who can help you with an Energy Savings Opportunity Scheme assessment. Centrally located in Birmingham, we can reach you almost anywhere in the UK including London, Manchester, Bristol, Leeds, Liverpool and surrounding areas.
Savings Worth £56,400 Per Year
It is estimated that around 7,300 large UK enterprises occupying between 170,000 and 200,000 buildings (of which 8,000 to 10,000 are industrial plants) will be covered by the legislation.
The Government estimates that the average large company should realise savings worth £56,400 per year on energy bills as a result of implemented ESOS improvement projects. Energy reductions within large industrial sites can be substantially greater, representing between 20%-40% reductions in energy consumption.

How the Scheme Works
1. Measure total energy consumption
2. Conduct energy audits to identify cost-effective energy efficiency recommendations.
3. Ensure that at least 90% of your total energy consumption is subject to an ESOS compliant energy audit, a Display Energy Certificate, a Green Deal Assessment or a certified ISO 50001
4. Report compliance to the Environment Agency
Why Choose Us?
Expert advice and service
Fully accredited ESOS assessors
Sterling accreditation
Competitive prices
Quick turnaround
A wealth of property experience
The Penalty for Non-Compliance with ESOS
The regulator, The Environment Agency, has the authority to apply civil penalties against those companies not participating in ESOS or found to be non-compliant. Penalties for non-compliance can be as high as £45,000.
Find out more about ESOS legislation HERE