Display Energy Certificate
One way to find out if a public building’s energy consumption and carbon emissions are within the permissible limit is to check its display energy certificate.
Though we are specialists for schools, we can also provide certificates for other public buildings in and around Birmingham. We also serve other areas in the UK including London, Birmingham, Manchester, Bristol, Leeds and Liverpool. Let us know if you have any queries.
You can get Certificates for:
Leisure Centres
Doctors Practices
Courts, etc.
If you run a large organisation in the UK, it is mandatory to have an assessment done under the Energy Savings Opportunity Scheme (ESOS) to know the energy usage. At NRG Assessments, we have the qualifications to conduct this assessment at your premises.
Why Choose Us?
Expert advice and service
Fully accredited assessors
Sterling accreditation
Competitive prices
Quick turnaround
A wealth of property experience
Non Compliance
A penalty charge notice of £500 for failing to display a DEC at all times in a prominent place clearly visible to the public, and £1,000 for failing to possess or have in their control a valid advisory report. In addition to these penalties, it will still be necessary to commission the documents.